mbed OS Functions and Usages

Writer: Gökhan Koçmarlı

CSE2037 | Marmara University
This document is a API referance.

Some of the text are copied from the original mbed OS API documentation. I have declare no rights in any of texts.

Digital I/O

Mode Description
DigitalIn varName(pinNumber) Digital For declaring a pin as a digital input source.
DigitalOut varName(pinNumber) Digital For declaring a pin as a digital output source.
varName.read() Digital To read the digital value of the varName's pin. (0 || 1)
varName.write(value) Digital To write value to the varName's pin.

Analog I/O

Mode Description
AnalogIn varName(pinNumber) Analog For declaring a pin as a analog input source.
AnalogOut varName(pinNumber) Analog For declaring a pin as an analog output source.
varName.read() Analog To read the voltage value of the varName's pin [0.0-1.0].
varName.read_u16() Analog To read the voltage value as an unsigned short in the range [0x0-0xFFFF].
varName.read_voltage() Analog To read the voltage as in units of volts. Doesn't work in Simulator.
varName.write(value) Analog Set the output voltage with specifing as a percentage value (float).
varName.write_u16(value) Anlog Set the output voltage represented as a unsigned short in range [0x0, 0xFFFF]


Mode Description
InterruptIn varName(pinNumber) Interrupt For declaring a pin as an GPIO interrupt source.
  1. No blocking code in ISR: avoid any call to wait, infinite while loop or blocking calls in general.
  2. No printf, malloc or new in ISR: avoid any call to bulky library functions. In particular, certain library functions (such as printf, malloc and new) are non re-entrant, and their behavior could be corrupted when called from an ISR.
  3. For printfs from interrupt context, use Event instead.


Mode Description
Timer varName Timer To initalize a timer which is stopwatch-like timer for measuring precise times.
varName.start() Timer Start counting the time.
varName.stop() Timer Stop counting the time.
varName.read() Timer (float) Read the value of time as sec. Deprectated since 6.0
varName.read_ms() Timer (int) Read the value of time as miliseconds. Deprectated since 6.0
varName.read_us() Timer (int) Read the value of time as microseconds. Deprectated since 6.0
varName.read_high_resolution_us() Timer (us_timestamp_t) 64bit microseconds value. Deprectated since 6.0
Ticker varName Ticker To set up a recurring interrupt; it calls a function repeatedly and at a specified rate.
varName.attach() Ticker Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in seconds.
varName.attach_us() Ticker Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in microseconds.
varName.detach() Ticker To detach the ISR.
Timeout varName Timeout To set up an interrupt to call a function after a specified delay.
varName.attach() Timeout Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in seconds.
varName.attach_us() Timeout Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in microseconds.
varName.detach() Timeout To detach the ISR.

You can also use LowPowerTimer, LowPowerTicker, and LowPowerTimout for better power management. You must consider that LowPower*s has worse precision than the normal ones but the normals can not enter the deep sleep mode. Their methods are the same.

  1. Timers are based on 64-bit signed microsecond counters, giving a range of over 250,000 years.
  2. No printf, malloc or new in ISR: avoid any call to bulky library functions. In particular, certain library functions (such as printf, malloc and new) are not re-entrant, and their behavior could be corrupted when called from an ISR.
  3. While a Timer is running, deep sleep is blocked to maintain accurate timing. If you don't need microsecond precision, consider using the LowPowerTimer or Kernel::Clock classes instead because these do not block deep sleep mode.
  4. While an event is attached to a Ticker, deep sleep is blocked to maintain accurate timing. If you don't need microsecond precision, consider using the LowPowerTicker class instead because that does not block deep sleep mode.
Mode Description
Watchdog &varName = Watchdog::get_instance() Watchdog Initalizing the watchdog timer.
varName.start(TIMEOUT_IN_MS) Watchdog Starting the watchdog timer.
varName.stop() Watchdog Stopping the watchdog timer.
Watchdog::get_instance().kick() Watchdog Refreshing the timer.
varName.is_running() Watchdog Checking if it's already running.
  1. There is only one instance in the system. Use Watchdog::get_instance() to obtain a reference.
  2. The maximum amount of time you can set as the Watchdog timeout varies depending on the target hardware. You can check the maximum value by calling Watchdog::get_instance().get_max_timeout().

Pulse Witdh Modulation

Mode Description
PwmOut varName(pinNumber) PWM For declaring a pin as a PWM output source.
varName.write(value) PWM Setting the duty cycle in range (0.0-1.0)
varName.write(value) PWM Read the current duty cycle.
varName.period_ms(value) varName.period_us(value)
PWM Setting the PWM's period as seconds (float), milli-seconds (int) and micro-seconds (int).
varName.pulsewidth_ms(value) varName.pulsewidth_us(value)
PWM Setting the PWM's pulsewidth as seconds (float), milli-seconds (int) and micro-seconds (int) and keeping the period the same.
varName.suspend() PWM Suspending the PWM signal
varName.resume() PWM Resuming the PWM signal
  1. Set the cycle time first, and then set the duty cycle using either a relative time period via the write() function or an absolute time period using the pulsewidth() function.
  2. The default period is 0.020s, and the default pulse width is 0.