1 min read

Docker Compose Files' Location of CasaOS

Docker Compose Files' Location of CasaOS
Photo by Bernd 📷 Dittrich / Unsplash

I was using the CasaOS for my AdGuard, NextCloud and Ollama services. After having a problem with its mounting strategy (It uses devmon, and changes the user rights of the mount point – therefore, the common user cannot access the drives.) and destroying my portable HDD consisting of 12 years memories, I've decided to remove it from my system and use the simple Docker and Docker Compose.

The removal process was quite easy and I was enough brave after losing all the backups I had. The next step was quite clear: I needed to make sure all the docker-compose.yml are available, so that I can customize them whenever I need.

This document will provide you with where you can find your docker-compose configuration files. That's it. Plus, I just wanted to shout out that my drive has become garbage just because I used that CasaOS magic.


Just go to that directory, and look for the app you'd like to access its compose definition.
